Services I Offer

Everything I am able to share with you, I have lived, practiced, and integrated myself. From this space I would love to be with you.

I guide private sessions for all people.

Many meet me for the first time when they feel overwhelmed by life events, during a burnout, or big transitions in their lives. Furthermore, I guide people in their daily search for finding balance within themselves.
Their inner authority and authenticity.
Having studied various traditions amongst Tibetan, Krishnamacharya, Shamanic and other modalities, depending on who I work with, we dive into what is needed and move deeper. So, ease, understanding and more gentleness towards oneself is being experienced and you can live from loving yourself.

All flows from there.

From my experience, you will see that I am good at working with groups, but within that group, I see everyone individually so everyone receives what is needed.

I serve for all bodies: energy, mind and age. I always feel and trust into the moment and work with that.

Since 2013 I have been (co-)hosting retreats in various countries. Find my upcoming retreats below.

1:1 live sessions in The Netherlands

July 14th-22nd I will be in The Netherlands and would love to meet you there for one of my offerings

  • 1-1 Healing Sessions
  • 1-1 Feeding Your Demons Sessions
  • 1-1 Gene Key Readings and indept consultations
  • 1-1 in dept guidence on own Yoga Practise for Yoga teachers and students
  • 1-1 Breathwork – Pranayama

If you long to feel deep inner peace and connected to nature and all that is

Relieve, receive insight, and take a practise home for physical – mental difficulties other than regular medicine.

Transform habits that are interfering with your happiness and joy, that are keeping you stuck.

Learn to sing your own song

Send me an email or WhatsApp for information and meeting time.



Since 2013 I have been (co-)hosting retreats, and the last couple of years I’m welcoming you in my home in Mallorca. Most retreats are hosted individually (private retreats) or in small groups, to be able to adjust to the individual needs. With space for rest, contemplation and 1:1 healing work.

The upcoming retreats are:

  • Being With Fear: October 16-22 with Kim & Ingeborg (Maruti) in Mallorca (fully booked)
  • The Healing Game: Expected 2024-2025 with Ralph Freelink & Ingeborg (Maruti)

For more information or for bookings, please contact me through the contact form or send an email to


Coming Up

The first upcoming retreat is the Being With Fear Retreat on October 16-22 with Kim & Ingeborg (Maruti).

Over the past decade we have addressed our own fears in various ways to get closer to ourselves and become more comfortable with the fear that will always be there. Pure body work that brings you back to those ‘invisible’ moments when your body has decided to be afraid brings enormous freedom to your entire BEING.

Discover your talents, dreams and passions by looking at what is ‘invisibly’ holding you back. Be welcome in our experienced hands to walk together on the path that may seem ‘scary’ but in reality will be liberating.

For more information or for bookings, please contact me through the contact form or send an email to



Ingeborg’s  transformative teachings offer a deep connection to self, an embodied experience of trust, and increased self-awareness.

By releasing stored tension, trauma, and emotional blockages, clients experience profound healing and transformation.

Her ultimate intention is to empower individuals to have a closer relationship with their total self, embracing their innate abilities and natural healing potential.

This can consist of somatic bodywork, trauma release, Feeding Your Demons, Deep energetic massage work and other transforming energy healing methods to experience more rest and connect you to a deeper sense of self.

For more information on individual guidance and healing sessions, please contact me through the contact form or send an email to


1:1 Guidance

The 1:1 guidance consists of checking in, how does your body feel, your energy, your mental body?
From here we dive in, listening, becoming aware and understanding how your energy works, where is stagnation, excess, difficulties and sharing tools for optimizing and embodying this. Bringing the higher available energies into your body.
To listen and connect to your soul, your heart and intuition so you can shine your light and bring the gifts you have into this earth in your way, knowing how to listen and act from self love and a deep place of trust.

The 1:1 guidance starts with 5 sessions. After that, we follow up on the process, we continue with occasional check-ins, or we continue walking together on a more regular basis.

For more information on 1:1 guidance and healing sessions, please contact me through the contact form or send an email to


Gene Keys

Based on a fundamental code of consciousness and inspired by the Chinese I Ching, the Gene Keys are an inner journey whose purpose is to transform our core beliefs about ourselves, thus raising our lives onto a whole new level of awareness.

I am a Gene Keys Guide and I really feel in awe of these transmissions. A new way of anchoring knowledge and expanding is being shared in such a practical way. I see the transformations and all creations happen before my eyes.

For more information on Gene Keys guidance, please contact me through the contact form or send an email to


Sacred Stay

My home is my heart

Here you will find the peace and quietness to digest and rest.

I offer private personalized retreats in my home in Sant Joan, a very quiet little town in the middle of Mallorca. It’s 40 minutes away from the airport of Palma and surrounded by various beautiful beaches.

Before your stay, we will have a video call to go over your needs and longings and I will share mine.

This way we can be on the same page and have a beautiful co-creation.

For bookings or more information, please contact me through the contact form or send an email to

1 Year Journey

Somewhere deep inside you, your intuition tells you to reach out for someone .  Someone who can help and guide you to live in synchronicity with life. Not only with the more superficial layers of life, like your work, daily matters, but also with the deep(er) layers that are the true directors of your thoughts, actions and decisions. Those layers are our beliefs and patterns by which we lead our human lives. They lay hidden in your inner space. Your ME-space where your truth resides and the only true freedom there is: the freedom of the heart the wisdom how to live from your inner knowing.

If you are ready to truly live by and commit to your heart’s way, I may be the guide you want to reach out to.


Why me? Most importantly because I have lived through and deeply felt the joys and heartaches you have and will encounter on the road from the mind to the heart. 

Having gone through and experienced similar processes, I am able to empathize and understand you and the process you are going through.

I combine my life’s wisdom, my life’s work, with the knowledge and experiences I have gained from diligent daily study throughout the last 20 years. Courses, retreats, teacher trainings, assisting my teachers and numerous workshops. Besides being one of the students or participants, I also have years of experience teaching (groups and 1:1) and organizing my own sessions, retreats and workshops.


For more information about the 1 year journey and prices, please contact me through the contact form or send an email to



In my private retreats you have the option of adding some beautiful treatments. According to your needs together we can decide if this fits for you at this time. These are the people I work closely with.

Who shares the most amazing treatments is a friend whom i love dearly and trust fullly to be working with you indept on your needs.

Shares sessions in numerology and is a card reader who will take you on a journey what is important for you in your life now and near future. A very sensitive man who is in tune with all of nature. Coming from a lineage of shamans in Mexico.

He is also a gorgous vegetarion chef

They run an ayurvedic centre about 30 minutes away from my home.

When needed and if you wish, an ayurvedic treatment plan can be made together with them.

Shares trips with so much light to the mountains of Mallorca, a woman who will capture your heart and will take you on a magnificent journey along the trails of Tramuntana.


Carrer Major 69
07240, Sant Joan





    See you on the other side
